AHEAD India Foundation operates a school for the girl child in the rural area. The construction of the school was completed in 2011 and the operations started in the same year with the initial batch of only 26 girl students. It was a journey witnessed first-hand!
Gradually, the strength rose and within a year the number of students grew to 200+ with poor girl child incentives. The number of classes gradually grew and the classes started upto class 8.
In 2012, the premises saw the visit of ex-President of India and Bharat Ratna Dr. Abdul Kalam to formally inaugurate the facility. We remember how easily he becomes a child among child with his charismatic smile and hair locks adding to the grandeur.
He said, “instead of asking for donations to feed, ask to educate the underprivileged so that they can carry forward the humanitarian work done by the foundation. This way the investment will not last one day but for generations to come.” Hence, we made our mission to invest the resources received from grants and donations towards enlarging the scope so as to educate and train poor girl child and others, keeping scientific approach as our route.
With close to 1000 students, the school, VBGPS is actively involved in addressing the need of poor girl child. The school operates in the rural area in the lush green environment.
The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has already affected over 165+ million people, claiming more than 3.5+ million lives in over 200 nations all over the world.
The novel coronavirus disease has also infiltrated into India; hitherto over 25+ million cases have been reported from the country. With a population of more than 1.3 billion people, India could become the new epicenter of COVID-19. Due to the remarkable population density, poor socioeconomic conditions and health care resources, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently stated that the “future of the pandemic will depend on how India handles it.”
In Uttar Pradesh, 1.5 million people are affected so far by novel coronavirus covid-19. Sadly, 16957 patients have died due to coronavirus in Uttar Pradesh. Allahabad or Prayagraj is one of the most important districts in Uttar Pradesh. It is a major educational hub in the North India and hosts world’s largest religious congregation on the banks of holy river Ganga. Allahabad or Prayagraj was never prepared for such pandemic with medical facilities. The average deaths in Prayagraj have been 300 per month, however in April 2021 this peaked at 1200 which reflects inadequate medical infrastructure arising out of oxygen generation facilities. In April 2021, Prayagraj was witnessing maximum infections per day in Uttar Pradesh. Government took prompt action by installing 3-ton oxygen plant with the help from DRDO and support from individuals and organizations regarding Oxygen Concentrators and Oxygen cylinders.
In view of this never ending ongoing pandemic AIF along with the parent NGO Utthan tried to convert an additional wing to Covid dedicated hospital, that was inaugurated without any fanfare in May 2021. The responsibility for fund raising and asset management co-shouldered with AIF. Dr. Ashutosh Tripathi handles the additional responsibility of being the Technical Director of the hospital initiative. The hospital is run by qualified medical professionals with MBBS / MD and support staff etc. Additionally, another wing is also proposed to increase the bed capacity from 300 (100-Covid) to 600 beds (200-Covid) by 2022. The hospital received Oxygen Concentrators through AIF from ITCC (India -Thai Chamber of Commerce) based on the recommendation from IIT – AAT (Indian Institute of Technology – Alumni Association of Thailand) and an individual donation from Mr. Ravindra Joshi (IIT – Chennai).
Ventilators are the next item that are to be arranged in quantities. As the NGO is approved under 80G hence, any donation is also exempted from income tax. We request the generous patrons to donate and also visit the healthcare facilities to witness the gaps and suggest improvements and funding, small or big, for the same. The details are mentioned in the About Us section with necessary contact details as well.
Project: +919648656456
Director: +917398822456
School (VBGPS):
Reception: +917233023787
Admin: +918299761317
Office: aifprayag@gmail.com
Office: President@aheadindiafoundation.in
School: vbgpsprayagraj@gmail.com
For Solar Energy: Ashtron.energy@gmail.com
For Technical Consultancy: consultancyaif@gmail.com
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